I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day Eight - Spain 2011 - "Is there another eye? Can I eat it?"

Friday - March 25, 2011 -Spain

Day 8

What it is yo(s)? How's my favorite creepers? Doing good? Ready to creep it up? Alright, let's blow this joint. 

Sorry that was a little inappropriate. It's what happens when I listen to rap. I get in touch with my crazy side. Or at least another side to my crazy side, because as I have heard several  times over this trip, I'm apparently one crazy ass person. What do you think? 

Be careful how you answer that. This blog let's me have a direct line into all ya'lls thoughts.

 Not really. I haven't quite mastered big brother yet. I'm getting there though.

Let's get to my trip shall we?

Thursday was a very peculiar day. I have officially dubbed it the Day of Fatty Acids. Doesn't sound too appetizing does it? Our first stop of the day was an olive oil producer. This couple grew up in holland and after the fall of some important person in spain, they figured that it was the prime time to buy a house and start their business. So they did. Lucky bastards. The land and accompanying house that they purchased was phenomenal. They had a 16th century house that was huge, a tennis court, a huge garden with solar panels, a pool with an accompanying fire pit and lounging area, and of course acres and acres of olive trees. The lady showed us around her property with the enthusiasm of Meryl Streep portraying Julia Childs. It kept us all entertained. We also got to sample four of their different oils. The owners kept talking about how we were going to taste all these different fruits and spices in the oil. Do you think I tasted all that?Hell no. All I tasted was grass and a burning sensation as it went down my throat. Don't get me wrong, it didn't taste bad, but I was a little disappointed. Still didn't stop me from buying some. I don't know about all you, but I don't get the opportunity to visit Spain very often so, "why not?"

Our second stop of the day was a rice producer. Absolutely boring. No lie.the guy was very nice and the facility was kind of cool, but good grief, I could not get into it. I mean how hard is it to make rice and how could you have an hour conversation about it. Actually, I'm sure it is a very sophisticated science to grow rice and I'm sure there are plenty of interesting things to have a convo about, but at the moment, I wasn't seeing it. The best part of the tour was the fact that they had baby goats. Absolutely adorable. If I could have snatched one and made it through customs in the U.S., I totally would have. 

But the end of the plant tour wasn't the end our rice tour for the day. Blah. We proceeded to go to a restaurant where we would eat lunch made of rice and seafood. It's called paella. I was a little excited at first, but that excitement went away pretty quick. When the owner brought it out, it was soupy mixture of all things that looked nasty. I usually like seafood, as long as it doesn't have an extreme fishy taste. I mean, I don't think that is too much to ask for. Well, this shit was really fishy and therefore really nasty. I did not enjoy it one bit. Kind of ruined my day.

Friday. Well Friday was a hard day for me. Really hard. For some reason I had convinced myself and all others in the trip that I was going to find one good thing that I liked about everybody and then tell them all to their face. Extreme, right? Yeah. Like I said, rough day. I feel like you all know me well enough to know that I don't give compliments very much. Let alone sixteen different compliments in one day. But, I did. I finished at ten at night, but I freaking did it. Yay me.

Activities for the day included our second cooking class. We made some sort of chicken and shrimp meal that I quite enjoyed. 

We also visited a winery. Our tour guide told us to not expect magnificent wine from this place because she was just taking it over from her dad and had not perfected the taste. I thought it was all magnificent. I guess I don't have am extreme palate that analyzes everything. 

Thank God.

 I love food too much to want to do that. 

After the winery, we visited a beautiful viewpoint of Costa Brava. If ever you get a chance to go on a mediterranean cruise, and I know you all are rich enough to do it, you better go. It looks like it would be spectacular. The water was so blue-green and clear,  and the surrounding cliffs were awesome. I can't wait for our cruise.

We then visited a city that my friend Ashley and I dubbed "Ceramic City". I honestly cannot remember what the hell the real name was so we will just stick with that. And, surprisingly, I bought many gifts for people here. Who would have thought? Definitely not me.

Dinner definitely made my night. Or at least part of it. Kind of ruined my later night. Quick background story. At this point in our trip, just hearing the word tapas makes us all want to vomit. Its actually a great way to lose weight. Every couple of hours, one could just shout out "Tapas!" and we wouldn't want to eat for awhile. Come on, where the hell is all the greasy cheeseburgers, taco bells and fake Mexican food restaurants at? How do these people live without having fast food?

 I guess that's why they are all skinny bitches. 

Anyways, the menu for dinner really freaked us out. For one, we couldn't read most of it, and for the part we could read, it sounded like it was going to be disgusting. We were absolutely wrong. Appetizers consisted of calamari, fish that tasted like it was from Long John Silvers, delicious bread, and for it's first debut in my mouth, escargot. I loved it! The texture was a little noxious, but the taste was delicious. Dinner consisted of steak. About damn time!! I had steak with mushrooms and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 

Now, why did I have to go and ruin this? I have no clue, but I did. My friend Vivian, who is Chinese (no I am not racist, but this is pertinent to the story), got some sort of fish. It was big and creepy and reminded me of a piranha. She told us that it was customary in China to first eat the eye of the fish. I was like, "ok, I should eat an eye". Wtf? Like, seriously Caleb, what are you thinking? Apparently I wasn't, because I ate it. Don't believe me? I have a video. It was freaking nasty. (creepy voice) "Things that make you go  ugh"

It didn't effect me right away but for some reason my mind could not stop dwelling on the fact that I had eaten a fish eye. Can you guess what happened? Yep, I totally vomited. And it was sad. I watched all this beautiful food that I loved so much come right back out of my mouth in a not so beautiful form. Made me want to cry. 

And guess what was at the top of the pile? The fish eye. And it was just looking at me saying "haha sucker. That's what you get".

Ok, I'm sorry. That was a little much. Would it make you feel any better that I never saw the fish eye? Ok, I thought so.

Only 24 hours till I come home!!

Well alright then, not everyone clap and cheer at once. Bastards. ;)


Friday, March 25, 2011

That Little B****

Wednesday - March 23, 2011 - Spain (Girona)

Day Six

Hello again. It's me Caleb. I hope that you already know that by now. If you don't, leave this site and never come back. Just kidding. But it might not be a bad idea to learn more about me if you are going to continue to read this blog. 

I'm still loving Girona and the surrounding countryside. I never imagined that I would feel this way for another place besides the united states. I'm beginning to like the idea of calling it my home. I secretly say "I'm going home." when I leave the group to go back to my room. How sad is that? People and city of manhattan, you need to step it up. Fast.

That wasn't very nice was it? Maybe I should just say city, because I really do miss all my peeps. Well, most of you.

Tuesday had to be my favorite day so far. We had our first cooking class. It was at this five star restaurant on the countryside of Girona. The place was gorgeous. Notice this reoccurring theme? Our teacher's name was Chef Vincent. He was freaking hilarious. And he cussed. A lot. We became good buddies fast. My favorite quote of his? He was talking  about going to the market one day and he wanted to buy this great cut of meat. The only problem was that he was like third in line. He said he noticed this lady in front of him had her eye on the same piece. He then proceeded to tell us that he thought to himself "that little bitch is going to get it before me." and sure enough, she did. I would have been knocking me some little bitch on the side of the head and running away with that piece of meat. Thats probably a lie, but I'm not really sure because I've never been in that situation before. I guess I just don't feel so passionate about the meat I eat. 

Such dirty minds.

Anyways, we made several different types of food. We had cod, potatoes, tortillas (I think it was really quiche), mushroom mush balls, and of course, wine. The best part of this was that we got to eat the finished product and it was absolutely amazing. Not bad for first timers.  I am so excited to try to make this at home and for our second cooking class on friday.

Today, we visited small niche markets of chocolate and cheese. Yummy! 

The chocolatier that we visited would put any chocolatier in the United States to shame. This guy was a very sophisticated, very nice older man. His wife was just as amazing. Although, I do have to say, she kind of talked like one of the aliens off of Mars Attacks. But who cares? I don't. Especially when they make chocolate that would make God happy.  Not that God isn't happy. Hopefully you know what i meant. Actually, this guy is so famous for his chocolate, even Prince Charles of England buys his chocolates from him. Awesome right? If you are not impressed, feel free to leave and go stuff your face with something not famously known. My parents should be happy though. I bought them some, and it was freaking expensive, but so worth it. I just hope it makes it back to the U.S. without melting or getting damaged.

Our next stop was a small, small, family owned and operated, goat cheese producer. First impression: this is gross. If you have never had the chance to eat goat cheese, I dare you to go find some and try to munch on it for more than five seconds. It can be some pretty potent stuff. Well the smell of this place wasn't much better. Thank God I have the ability to get used to any smell within ten seconds because I may have had to leave and vomit. But this guy and his mom were so nice and they had perfected the art of good goat cheese, that I left very impressed. I even sampled several pieces of the cheese and didn't even get sick. They also made plain yogurt. Usually I dont like plain yogurt, but again, they had perfected it and I loved it. Absolutely a great place to visit.

Our last stop for the day was the IRTA. I can't remember off the top of my head what exactly this meant, but I can tell that it was a food science research institute. Now, I'm not a big fan of research. I find it very boring and it's one of the main reasons I don't want to go to grad school. But this place was very cutting edge and everyone there was working on some really interesting projects. For a couple of hours, I was definitely into the idea of going this route with my degree. Then I remembered all five thousand other things that I wanted to do with my life and I had me a new topic to think about for the plane ride home.

Beautiful day. Beautiful places. 

Didn't take long for my roommate to ruin it with his nastiness. He's so gross, I can't even write about it. Yeah, I'll let your thoughts marinate on that till I get home.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's like a cup of hot sex!

Monday - March 21, 2011 - Spain

Day Four

Quote of the day - "It's like a cup of hot sex!" (explanation to come)

So, I know I skipped a few days but I feel as if I  have been shuffled around like a hog at a feedlot causing all my days to blur together. I can't remember which day I did what. You don't mind, do you? Good, because I wouldn't care care if you did. 

This is what I have done in the past few days.

Visited the museum of contemporary art. This place was magnificent. The walk up to the massive building made me feel like I was walking up to the U.S Capitol. It was gorgeous. The art wasn't bad either. Lots and lots of nudity. Don't freak out, but I kind of like this type of art. I said don't freak out! It's not like I'm a creeper who takes photos of nude art and drools over them in the privacy of my own home. Something about the vulnerability of humans and the beauty of a nude body really strikes my artistic nerve. This definitely made the museum more interesting. Plus there was a huge ass hall that you could scream your head off in and it would never echo. I spent a lot of time in this hall contemplating why this is so. I still haven't figured that one out. 

Visited the paladu de la musica. I blame my liking of this museum on my extreme liking of all things music. This place was very rich in classical music, opera, traditional Spanish music, and even contemporary music. The building was intricately designed with many models and sculptures of major artifacts of the arts and music. The acoustics were awesome as well. This museum inspired me to start playing my flute again. I'm super excited.

Visited  La Segrada de Familia. Another piece of magnificent structure designed by famous artist Gaudi. I'm not really a religious person but I definitely got into it during this visit. The church is one of a kind building and trumps most other churches I have seen when it comes to architectural design. The only problem that I had with this building is that it was a little clustered with its sculptures. Gaudi kind of went overboard when it came to this. Everything clumped together just made the building (from the outside) look like large melted candles. I don't really understand why he did this. The inside, though, was totally different. Everything had a modernesque look to it and it kind of clashed with its shell. My favorite part was the stained glass windows. They were so colorful and so vibrant it was a little overwhelming. Overall, I was very impressed. 

Visited an apartment complex designed by Gaudi. This didn't have very many sculptures as most of his other works did, but it did contain many curvatures. I don't really know how to explain this without showing you pictures. I can show you if you ask politely. 

This is the gist of what we did over the past few days. Today, we headed for Girona. But before we did this, we visited a pastry school and we were able to sample some chocolate. This is where the daily quote came in. Tyler, my roommate and one I have many stories to tell you about (and please remind me of this), took one sip and within seconds proceeded to say this. How freaking hilarious. I only wish that I would have heard it myself because it would have made for a better story. Nevertheless, I laughed most of the day with this one. 

Off to Girona. Now, I wish I could tell you that the trip to Girona was through beautiful countryside that would put anything in America to shame, but I honestly can't. Actually, I can't tell you anything because I found this trip to be a prime opportunity to catch up on the sleep that I have been missing so very much. Yep ladies and gentlemen, my face hit the hard, lame-ass excuse for a chair, so hard that I literally had thread lines imprinted on my forehead for most of the day. This didn't help  my receding hairline either. I'm sure that the sandpaper cloth really yanked out some of my fading, ever so important, hair follicles. Oh well. I felt regenerated enough to last through the rest of the day.

Girona was beautiful. Plus there weren't as many people. But it didn't take long for me to find something to complain about. 

Arriving at the hotel, I was again impressed by how awesome and modern the lobby of Hotel Peninsular was. If ever there was a way of distorting the truth through a facade, this place did it well. My room was shit. My room is shit. My dogs doghouse would have been better than the hand I was so cleverly dealt here. And that is saying a lot because my dog doesn't have a doghouse. It smelled like swampy crotch. Plus the fact that my roommate probably hadnt taken a shower in more than a week, didnt help matters much. Needless to say, I didnt spend much time in that hell hole. Adios you piece of shit. 

I know what you all are thinking. I should just be happy that I get to spend my spring break in another country so all other things are just moot and that I should just suck it up. You are right... For the most part. But damn it, I spent four grand to come over here, I expect better rooms than this. They should have been rooms lined in gold for that kind of money. Not really. I just like to complain and hyperbolize.

The city of Girona was crisp and clean, with every street lined with chique clothing stores that makes one feel like they are rich and have no need to wear t-shirts bought at wal-mart. But this was just a feeling. I am only rich enough to buy wal-mart t-shirts. Thank you for reminding me assholes. 

We proceeded to climb at least a mile through the city to this secret garden that i could have just died and gone to heaven in. It was absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen such views of a city and such beautiful landscaping in one place, I kind of got light-headed by the sheer magnificence of it all. I was loving Girona more and more each second. I could definitely see myself living out the rest of my days right here. Honestly, it made me stop thinking about everyone at home, all the problems that I was going to have to face when I got home, all the people that I was going to have to talk too. For once, on this trip, I was living for the moment.  I had never felt so stress free in my entire life. If there was ever a time for God to take me, right then would have been it. 

Back to reality. Remember Caleb, this is only a trip. You have to go back. Too bad. I was enjoying my fairy tale.

We visited a cathedral after the garden. I don't really have much to say about it because after three cathedral visits, they all began to look alike. I have pictures though.

Funny story. After the cathedral, we still had about and hour and a half before we had to meet back up with Ivan, our tour guide, to go to dinner. Well you know how americans have to eat at least every five hours because any longer than that we become cranky due to lack of food? Well we were getting cranky. I was getting bitchy (elevated crankiness). We needed food. And damn it, if we were going to have tapas for dinner, we wanted fast food for a snack. Lucky us, we found exactly what we wanted.  And good god was it delicious. Only problem was, we were not hungry for dinner. But Ivan was so nice and we already had reservations, we proceeded to stuff our faces an hour later. I felt like a plump pig getting ready to be roasted for Christmas dinner. All I was missing was an apple in my mouth.

Long day right? Agreed. I slept like a baby. Although, my roommate scares me so I tried sleeping with one eye open. That didnt work. I feel lucky to still be alive and have my dignity attached.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Two - Spain 2011 - "Apparently I'm a feedlot pig"

Friday - March 18, 2011 - Spain

Day Two

Ok, I'm not going to lie, I didn't do much sleeping. The plane was too small, we had a crying baby and a man that sneezed so loud I think people on Saturn could have heard him. Is it bad that I wanted to punch them both? Now don't get your panties in a bunch, I would never punch a baby. That indeed would be very horrible. But you must understand something. I value sleep very much. Next to eating, it is one of my favorite things to do. So when someone (even a baby) fucks with my sleep, I imagine doing bad things to punish them..... What a bunch of dirty minds. Get your head out of the gutters folks. 

When I woke up to the point where I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep again and there happened to be no sneezing man or crying baby at the moment, I found the flight to be somewhat peaceful. Everyone was pretty much asleep and I enjoyed being able to just sit there, watch people sleep, and reflect on my happy little life.

Phase two of my in-flight thinking. This phase causes me to think about why I do the things I do, and why I don't do more things that I want to do. Apparently I'm more of a pussy than I originally thought. This is definitely not true, but since this piece is about my trip to Spain, I will save this for another blog on another day.

I got two whole hours of just being able to do this. Amazing! I was able to figure a lot of things out. And believe me, you can bet your ass I'm definitely going to change some things when I get back. Step one of the refurbished "why not" policy.

Sunrises on a plane are so much prettier. If you have never been able to experience this. Do it. It's worth the $800 round trip ticket. The colors are SO beautiful. Everything is more clear, more vivid, it's almost an out of this world experience. I felt like I was on my way to meet God and I was perfectly content. It even made breakfast taste better. And that is definitely saying something considering the food is equivalent to the food in prison. What a way to start my food science trip. 

An hour after breakfast, we made it to Barcelona. Time - 8:30 a.m. Time in Kansas - 2:30 a.m. I was super excited, but I didn't feel like I was in another country. It was still cool though. Getting luggage was no problem and soon we were on our way through the Spanish city. First thing to note, the weather was spectacular. That alone could've convinced me to stay here for the rest of my life. Second thing to note, there were a lot of people. Now, I didn't particularly like this. I was already worried that airport security had gone through my bag and stolen something, I didn't want to have to worry about some pick-pocketer stealing all my shit and then having there way with my perfect identity. Luckily, I never had a problem. Or least invent noticed it yet.

Our hotel was gorgeous! Definitely the nicest hotel I have stayed in for a long time. It had to be five star. Pictures are posted on Facebook if you want to see it. 

We were not allowed to rest very much because our chaperones wanted us to get used to the time so that we didn't have much jet lag. This sucked. Remember what happens when someone messes with my sleep? Yeah, I was ready to go Kung Fu on someone's ass and I didn't much care If I had to spend the rest of my life in a Spanish prison making everyone my bitch. We spent all day walking from site to site and my feet begin to look like big fat purple grapes. Guess I didn't pack the right shoes. And because of my lack of sleep I didn't really absorb anything that we did that day. I know that we visited a gothic cathedral, a fresh food market, and I'm fairly sure we visited a Picasso museum with hundreds of his original artwork. I remember this museum because Picasso was a very peculiar man and it showed in his art. His first works were great. Original, quiet, normal artsy stuff. Then for some reason, unbeknownst to people, he started becoming very pornographic and abstract. I think he was tripping on acid. He had to be to be popping out the artwork he was. Im definitely not judging though because I liked the art. I kind of had a connection with it. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Weird, right?

Dinner was an interesting experience. My first try with tapas. For those that do not know what tapas is, look it up. I ain't here to be your teacher. 

I love you all. ;) 

Anyways, I got to try leeks, some sort of peppers, ham roll ups, blue cheese balls, cured meat, several different types of cheeses, some quiche-looking thing, squid and some sort of marinated pork. It was all delicious, minus the leeks, only because I don't really know what they are. Oh, and I cant forget the wine! This trip was made a whole lot better when Spain decided that I was old enough to order my own wine and I was able to drink it without worrying about getting an M.I.P. And oh my, did I drink the wine. Two whites and one red. Several glasses of each. Yowza! Can you say tipsy? 

All in all, it was a great day. Pictures will be posted on facebook or if you are one of my good friends, I might just show you personally.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Barcelona Day One

Ok so here is my day one journal for Spain. I know, I know, it's late. But hey people, I'm kinda sorta trying to enjoy Spain without relying on technology too much. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment. More will come. Muchos gracias.

Thursday - March 17, 2011 - Spain

First day

Hello fellow humans of the world. Today I left for Spain. My ultimate plan is to never come back. Im going to find me a hot Spanish native, fall in love, get married, have kids and open up a winery. Adios to the rest of the world.

As we all know, this is never going to happen. Reality does not acknowledge fairy tales very much. But hey, I can still dream right? 

Anyways, I have much to tell you so let's get started. 

Let me first say that I have perfected the art of procrastination. Whether it's homework, reading a chapter out of my textbook or studying for a test, you can bet that it never happens till at least three hours before I have to have it done. Packing for this trip was no different. The van headed for the airport left at 6:30. Guess who still wasn't packed by 3? Hola! Me llamo Caleb.

Imagine how I felt when I woke up in the morning? I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what the hell I had packed and what I didn't. Talk about stressful. Oh well, it happens. 


Oh KCI, how ugly thou art. I mean seriously. The architects must live a bland and boring life to have designed something like that. Blah! 

Luggage - checked in.
Security - passed without a problem.
Breakfast - f##king expensive.
Two hours of waiting - boring.

Lucky for me, when the plane arrived, I got to sit by my best friend Chelsey Kriley and chaperone Mishelle Hay. Mishelle is just absolutely hilarious and this was chelsey's first flight ever. I was so excited to scare the shit out of her. 

That never happened. She took it like a man and didnt even flinch. Hell, I think I flinched more than she did. Boo, you nasty whore.  For those that don't know, chelsey and I have a very special relationship. You could say that we experienced a mid life crisis early on that caused us to not talk for about 4 months. But when we finally made up, we were closer than ever.  Anyways, it was a great day to experience the first flight of a friend. 


Atlanta. You make KCI look like a naked homeless man living in a cardboard box. You made my day. Although, your Internet service could have been better. Not too shabby though. The panda express lunch absolutely made up for it. 

It wasn't long before our big ass plane showed up. I was beginning to have homesickness before boarding. Why? I tend to think bad things will happen and you all can imagine what sort of stuff I was cooking up. It freaked me the  hell out. If I died, how sad would it be to never see my family again, or my friends, or my puppy Ellie. Gross. It made me want to vomit. Naturally you start thinking of all the things  you should have said before this trip. All the ones you should have told "I love you." The one you should've told  "I can't stop thinking about you and I think I'm falling for you.." All the opportunities that you so casually passed up on because you just knew that you would get another chance to do it.

Sad day right? Exactly. That is what half my flight to Spain entailed. Of course it didn't help that I had an assortment of accompanying soundtrack music to imagine how my funeral would go and how everyone would feel if I died. 

Good grief, I sound depressed. I promise you, I'm not. But I can't help it. It's how I process flying. 

But I knew that I couldn't do this to myself. If I sat there for much longer thinking about it, I was going to have to get off the plane in Barcelona and come right back and go do everything that I might not have ever been able to do again.

So, I watched The King's Speech. Good movie. I liked it a lot.
