I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Monday, May 30, 2011

It was Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve.... What a bunch of BS.

“’It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.’ I never really understood this argument. Why did everyone always want to cock-block Adam and Steve? I’m sure they were a perfectly nice, well-dressed couple, and I can assure you that Adam and Steve wouldn’t have fucked things up the way Adam and Eve did. Those queens surely would have had enough run-ins with dirty snakes to know better than to put things in their mouths that didn’t belong to them (and an apple is the last fruit that would have tempted this couple. They probably would have used it as compost for their begonia garden.). And fig leaves? Please. Adam and Steve wouldn’t have been caught dead in them. Adam and Steve would have been au couture, not au natural. Besides, even though God was pretty clear that he thought everything that was created was “good,” maybe some people were just jealous that God would have considered Adam and Steve ‘fabulous’”

I adapted this from an unfinished book by an up-and-coming author. I do not know his name, but I have read the first ten pages out of the book and I have fallen in love. When it comes to expressing how many feel when being the only “different” person in a group of people and then being constantly scrutinized because of it, he nails it.

I’m sure that at some point in all of your lives, you have been the odd one out. Whether it’s at a party where drinking has somehow become the chosen life-support system for people, and you are the only one who opts to drink pop or water or where you are the only person wearing a crazy color in a sea of black and white. Do you recognize this feeling? I bet you do. It’s extremely uncomfortable. Many people spend their whole lives trying to stay out of situations such as these.

Imagine, if you will, being the odd person out in almost everything you do. Could you survive that? On top of this, imagine being constantly degraded because of it. Imagine people telling you that your lifestyle is horrendous and an abomination to the very basic infrastructure of life. Telling you that God hates you and you are undoubtedly going to Hell. Could you survive it then? Something tells me your answer didn’t start with a “y”.

But there are people that face it every day. Amazing, courageous, inspiring, gay people who have to live with bigotry and hatred from so many different people.

I will never understand this. I will never understand why there are some people that think they are better than everyone else and that it is their place to tell others that their lifestyle is heinous. Who gives them the right?

 God? As far as I know, God has never visited this world yet and has explicitly said destroy/hate all the gays.

Your social status? Right. Because you’re a Senator or you drive around the newest model of a Ferrari, you get to tell me how to live my life. Yes Mr. Senator, because we all know that you lead a perfect, totally clean, life.

Quite frankly, I am tired of hearing gay people get slandered all the time. It’s sickening. Does a guy who loves another guy physically harm you? Does a woman who lies in bed with another woman make your life more difficult to live? If it does, then you must have some major problems in your life than the fact that there are homosexual people in the world.

No one person in this world is better than another. No one person has the right, no matter how much they think so, to tell another person that they are a lesser human being.

"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things."
                                                                          - Romans 2:1

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am all for every person having their own beliefs, ethics and moral codes. And I am definitely all for people sharing their opinions about things. But when one decides to start continuously bashing a group of people (whether it be gay people, culturally diverse people or even people of a different socioeconomic status), they have gone to far.

Ok, so I may not have graduated summa cum laude from an Ivy League school, have an unwavering faith in a specific religion, make a six-figure salary or have an ounce of power to make things happen. But I know that we all share the same feelings. Pain, love, anger, humiliation, sadness. We all feel them. We are all the same in that way. This is what makes us human.

When you think that all your accomplishments make you a better human being than me, you have turned yourself into a disgrace. A disgrace to humanity.

I have had enough. I will no longer stand by and watch gay people get shot down for trying to make it in this world. The world is changing, whether you like it or not. Gay people are not going away. We will continue to fight from every angle to ensure that gay people get to have the same rights as any other individual in society. And you can bet your ass that if you are around me and you start bashing on the homosexual community, I will call you out. It’s time to put all of our differences aside and start living a life where everyone is equal. Where everyone is human. 

I’m sure I have offended a lot of people by saying all this. Lord knows that if you have some image to keep, you don’t address the gay controversy. Especially if it revolves around the religious fanatics’ position on homosexuality. Luckily for me, my image doesn’t really matter to me. As long as I stand up for what I believe and for what I think is right, I could care less about how my name gets sloshed around. I only have one life to live and I only get one chance to make a difference in this world and I’ll be damned if I am going to let that slip through my fingers.

The gay community deserves to live a normal life just like anyone else and I will continue fighting for this until the day I die.

Just something to think about.

Peace, Love, and Other Miscellaneous Happy Things,



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