I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's like a cup of hot sex!

Monday - March 21, 2011 - Spain

Day Four

Quote of the day - "It's like a cup of hot sex!" (explanation to come)

So, I know I skipped a few days but I feel as if I  have been shuffled around like a hog at a feedlot causing all my days to blur together. I can't remember which day I did what. You don't mind, do you? Good, because I wouldn't care care if you did. 

This is what I have done in the past few days.

Visited the museum of contemporary art. This place was magnificent. The walk up to the massive building made me feel like I was walking up to the U.S Capitol. It was gorgeous. The art wasn't bad either. Lots and lots of nudity. Don't freak out, but I kind of like this type of art. I said don't freak out! It's not like I'm a creeper who takes photos of nude art and drools over them in the privacy of my own home. Something about the vulnerability of humans and the beauty of a nude body really strikes my artistic nerve. This definitely made the museum more interesting. Plus there was a huge ass hall that you could scream your head off in and it would never echo. I spent a lot of time in this hall contemplating why this is so. I still haven't figured that one out. 

Visited the paladu de la musica. I blame my liking of this museum on my extreme liking of all things music. This place was very rich in classical music, opera, traditional Spanish music, and even contemporary music. The building was intricately designed with many models and sculptures of major artifacts of the arts and music. The acoustics were awesome as well. This museum inspired me to start playing my flute again. I'm super excited.

Visited  La Segrada de Familia. Another piece of magnificent structure designed by famous artist Gaudi. I'm not really a religious person but I definitely got into it during this visit. The church is one of a kind building and trumps most other churches I have seen when it comes to architectural design. The only problem that I had with this building is that it was a little clustered with its sculptures. Gaudi kind of went overboard when it came to this. Everything clumped together just made the building (from the outside) look like large melted candles. I don't really understand why he did this. The inside, though, was totally different. Everything had a modernesque look to it and it kind of clashed with its shell. My favorite part was the stained glass windows. They were so colorful and so vibrant it was a little overwhelming. Overall, I was very impressed. 

Visited an apartment complex designed by Gaudi. This didn't have very many sculptures as most of his other works did, but it did contain many curvatures. I don't really know how to explain this without showing you pictures. I can show you if you ask politely. 

This is the gist of what we did over the past few days. Today, we headed for Girona. But before we did this, we visited a pastry school and we were able to sample some chocolate. This is where the daily quote came in. Tyler, my roommate and one I have many stories to tell you about (and please remind me of this), took one sip and within seconds proceeded to say this. How freaking hilarious. I only wish that I would have heard it myself because it would have made for a better story. Nevertheless, I laughed most of the day with this one. 

Off to Girona. Now, I wish I could tell you that the trip to Girona was through beautiful countryside that would put anything in America to shame, but I honestly can't. Actually, I can't tell you anything because I found this trip to be a prime opportunity to catch up on the sleep that I have been missing so very much. Yep ladies and gentlemen, my face hit the hard, lame-ass excuse for a chair, so hard that I literally had thread lines imprinted on my forehead for most of the day. This didn't help  my receding hairline either. I'm sure that the sandpaper cloth really yanked out some of my fading, ever so important, hair follicles. Oh well. I felt regenerated enough to last through the rest of the day.

Girona was beautiful. Plus there weren't as many people. But it didn't take long for me to find something to complain about. 

Arriving at the hotel, I was again impressed by how awesome and modern the lobby of Hotel Peninsular was. If ever there was a way of distorting the truth through a facade, this place did it well. My room was shit. My room is shit. My dogs doghouse would have been better than the hand I was so cleverly dealt here. And that is saying a lot because my dog doesn't have a doghouse. It smelled like swampy crotch. Plus the fact that my roommate probably hadnt taken a shower in more than a week, didnt help matters much. Needless to say, I didnt spend much time in that hell hole. Adios you piece of shit. 

I know what you all are thinking. I should just be happy that I get to spend my spring break in another country so all other things are just moot and that I should just suck it up. You are right... For the most part. But damn it, I spent four grand to come over here, I expect better rooms than this. They should have been rooms lined in gold for that kind of money. Not really. I just like to complain and hyperbolize.

The city of Girona was crisp and clean, with every street lined with chique clothing stores that makes one feel like they are rich and have no need to wear t-shirts bought at wal-mart. But this was just a feeling. I am only rich enough to buy wal-mart t-shirts. Thank you for reminding me assholes. 

We proceeded to climb at least a mile through the city to this secret garden that i could have just died and gone to heaven in. It was absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen such views of a city and such beautiful landscaping in one place, I kind of got light-headed by the sheer magnificence of it all. I was loving Girona more and more each second. I could definitely see myself living out the rest of my days right here. Honestly, it made me stop thinking about everyone at home, all the problems that I was going to have to face when I got home, all the people that I was going to have to talk too. For once, on this trip, I was living for the moment.  I had never felt so stress free in my entire life. If there was ever a time for God to take me, right then would have been it. 

Back to reality. Remember Caleb, this is only a trip. You have to go back. Too bad. I was enjoying my fairy tale.

We visited a cathedral after the garden. I don't really have much to say about it because after three cathedral visits, they all began to look alike. I have pictures though.

Funny story. After the cathedral, we still had about and hour and a half before we had to meet back up with Ivan, our tour guide, to go to dinner. Well you know how americans have to eat at least every five hours because any longer than that we become cranky due to lack of food? Well we were getting cranky. I was getting bitchy (elevated crankiness). We needed food. And damn it, if we were going to have tapas for dinner, we wanted fast food for a snack. Lucky us, we found exactly what we wanted.  And good god was it delicious. Only problem was, we were not hungry for dinner. But Ivan was so nice and we already had reservations, we proceeded to stuff our faces an hour later. I felt like a plump pig getting ready to be roasted for Christmas dinner. All I was missing was an apple in my mouth.

Long day right? Agreed. I slept like a baby. Although, my roommate scares me so I tried sleeping with one eye open. That didnt work. I feel lucky to still be alive and have my dignity attached.



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