I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Monday, March 21, 2011

Barcelona Day One

Ok so here is my day one journal for Spain. I know, I know, it's late. But hey people, I'm kinda sorta trying to enjoy Spain without relying on technology too much. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment. More will come. Muchos gracias.

Thursday - March 17, 2011 - Spain

First day

Hello fellow humans of the world. Today I left for Spain. My ultimate plan is to never come back. Im going to find me a hot Spanish native, fall in love, get married, have kids and open up a winery. Adios to the rest of the world.

As we all know, this is never going to happen. Reality does not acknowledge fairy tales very much. But hey, I can still dream right? 

Anyways, I have much to tell you so let's get started. 

Let me first say that I have perfected the art of procrastination. Whether it's homework, reading a chapter out of my textbook or studying for a test, you can bet that it never happens till at least three hours before I have to have it done. Packing for this trip was no different. The van headed for the airport left at 6:30. Guess who still wasn't packed by 3? Hola! Me llamo Caleb.

Imagine how I felt when I woke up in the morning? I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what the hell I had packed and what I didn't. Talk about stressful. Oh well, it happens. 


Oh KCI, how ugly thou art. I mean seriously. The architects must live a bland and boring life to have designed something like that. Blah! 

Luggage - checked in.
Security - passed without a problem.
Breakfast - f##king expensive.
Two hours of waiting - boring.

Lucky for me, when the plane arrived, I got to sit by my best friend Chelsey Kriley and chaperone Mishelle Hay. Mishelle is just absolutely hilarious and this was chelsey's first flight ever. I was so excited to scare the shit out of her. 

That never happened. She took it like a man and didnt even flinch. Hell, I think I flinched more than she did. Boo, you nasty whore.  For those that don't know, chelsey and I have a very special relationship. You could say that we experienced a mid life crisis early on that caused us to not talk for about 4 months. But when we finally made up, we were closer than ever.  Anyways, it was a great day to experience the first flight of a friend. 


Atlanta. You make KCI look like a naked homeless man living in a cardboard box. You made my day. Although, your Internet service could have been better. Not too shabby though. The panda express lunch absolutely made up for it. 

It wasn't long before our big ass plane showed up. I was beginning to have homesickness before boarding. Why? I tend to think bad things will happen and you all can imagine what sort of stuff I was cooking up. It freaked me the  hell out. If I died, how sad would it be to never see my family again, or my friends, or my puppy Ellie. Gross. It made me want to vomit. Naturally you start thinking of all the things  you should have said before this trip. All the ones you should have told "I love you." The one you should've told  "I can't stop thinking about you and I think I'm falling for you.." All the opportunities that you so casually passed up on because you just knew that you would get another chance to do it.

Sad day right? Exactly. That is what half my flight to Spain entailed. Of course it didn't help that I had an assortment of accompanying soundtrack music to imagine how my funeral would go and how everyone would feel if I died. 

Good grief, I sound depressed. I promise you, I'm not. But I can't help it. It's how I process flying. 

But I knew that I couldn't do this to myself. If I sat there for much longer thinking about it, I was going to have to get off the plane in Barcelona and come right back and go do everything that I might not have ever been able to do again.

So, I watched The King's Speech. Good movie. I liked it a lot.



Colton K said...

I find it hilarious that your mid-life crisis with Chelsey was a pure result of Wine... and what is the only thing you and Chelsey are drinking in Spain?... I wonder...

Caleb said...

Shut it smarty pants.

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