I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with someone even if they could have. I need to know these people exist.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Two - Spain 2011 - "Apparently I'm a feedlot pig"

Friday - March 18, 2011 - Spain

Day Two

Ok, I'm not going to lie, I didn't do much sleeping. The plane was too small, we had a crying baby and a man that sneezed so loud I think people on Saturn could have heard him. Is it bad that I wanted to punch them both? Now don't get your panties in a bunch, I would never punch a baby. That indeed would be very horrible. But you must understand something. I value sleep very much. Next to eating, it is one of my favorite things to do. So when someone (even a baby) fucks with my sleep, I imagine doing bad things to punish them..... What a bunch of dirty minds. Get your head out of the gutters folks. 

When I woke up to the point where I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep again and there happened to be no sneezing man or crying baby at the moment, I found the flight to be somewhat peaceful. Everyone was pretty much asleep and I enjoyed being able to just sit there, watch people sleep, and reflect on my happy little life.

Phase two of my in-flight thinking. This phase causes me to think about why I do the things I do, and why I don't do more things that I want to do. Apparently I'm more of a pussy than I originally thought. This is definitely not true, but since this piece is about my trip to Spain, I will save this for another blog on another day.

I got two whole hours of just being able to do this. Amazing! I was able to figure a lot of things out. And believe me, you can bet your ass I'm definitely going to change some things when I get back. Step one of the refurbished "why not" policy.

Sunrises on a plane are so much prettier. If you have never been able to experience this. Do it. It's worth the $800 round trip ticket. The colors are SO beautiful. Everything is more clear, more vivid, it's almost an out of this world experience. I felt like I was on my way to meet God and I was perfectly content. It even made breakfast taste better. And that is definitely saying something considering the food is equivalent to the food in prison. What a way to start my food science trip. 

An hour after breakfast, we made it to Barcelona. Time - 8:30 a.m. Time in Kansas - 2:30 a.m. I was super excited, but I didn't feel like I was in another country. It was still cool though. Getting luggage was no problem and soon we were on our way through the Spanish city. First thing to note, the weather was spectacular. That alone could've convinced me to stay here for the rest of my life. Second thing to note, there were a lot of people. Now, I didn't particularly like this. I was already worried that airport security had gone through my bag and stolen something, I didn't want to have to worry about some pick-pocketer stealing all my shit and then having there way with my perfect identity. Luckily, I never had a problem. Or least invent noticed it yet.

Our hotel was gorgeous! Definitely the nicest hotel I have stayed in for a long time. It had to be five star. Pictures are posted on Facebook if you want to see it. 

We were not allowed to rest very much because our chaperones wanted us to get used to the time so that we didn't have much jet lag. This sucked. Remember what happens when someone messes with my sleep? Yeah, I was ready to go Kung Fu on someone's ass and I didn't much care If I had to spend the rest of my life in a Spanish prison making everyone my bitch. We spent all day walking from site to site and my feet begin to look like big fat purple grapes. Guess I didn't pack the right shoes. And because of my lack of sleep I didn't really absorb anything that we did that day. I know that we visited a gothic cathedral, a fresh food market, and I'm fairly sure we visited a Picasso museum with hundreds of his original artwork. I remember this museum because Picasso was a very peculiar man and it showed in his art. His first works were great. Original, quiet, normal artsy stuff. Then for some reason, unbeknownst to people, he started becoming very pornographic and abstract. I think he was tripping on acid. He had to be to be popping out the artwork he was. Im definitely not judging though because I liked the art. I kind of had a connection with it. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Weird, right?

Dinner was an interesting experience. My first try with tapas. For those that do not know what tapas is, look it up. I ain't here to be your teacher. 

I love you all. ;) 

Anyways, I got to try leeks, some sort of peppers, ham roll ups, blue cheese balls, cured meat, several different types of cheeses, some quiche-looking thing, squid and some sort of marinated pork. It was all delicious, minus the leeks, only because I don't really know what they are. Oh, and I cant forget the wine! This trip was made a whole lot better when Spain decided that I was old enough to order my own wine and I was able to drink it without worrying about getting an M.I.P. And oh my, did I drink the wine. Two whites and one red. Several glasses of each. Yowza! Can you say tipsy? 

All in all, it was a great day. Pictures will be posted on facebook or if you are one of my good friends, I might just show you personally.



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